Why I’m Starting a Blog About Minimalism


Introducing: lessen. This is a blog about minimalism, but it might not be the cliché “minimalism blog” you’re picturing, with white walls and expensive sweaters. In today’s world, the word “minimalism” evokes a sense of starkness, coldness and maybe even a dose of pretentiousness. But I aim to avoid all three of those things by instead promoting contentment, fulfillment and simplicity in an approachable, realistic way.

The blog will focus on three categories: minimalism in the physical sense (decluttering our belongings), mental sense (clearing the mind), and the spiritual sense (training our hearts to seek contentment). In the physical realm, we reduce excess and clutter in our homes, closets, drawers and storage shed. In the mind, we minimize noise, technology and distraction to make space for solitude, silence and Sabbath. And finally, in the heart, we replace envy, comparison and greed with contentment, joy and ultimately, a meaningful life. I would even argue that you need to “master” the spiritual category (although no one can ever truly master contentment) before you can succeed with the other two. If your heart is content, you naturally desire less material possessions and are okay with quieting your mind with silence and solitude.

While the title certainly glorifies the idea of “less” — it’s really about more. More meaning, joy, beauty, clarity, contentment and fulfillment. We lessen to make space for what truly matters.

I purposefully chose the word “lessen” because it is a verb. I believe simplifying your life requires action. It is not a passive activity, or something you accidentally arrive at overnight. Especially in the fast-paced, hustle-forward, consumeristic world we live in, practicing minimalism takes intention and lots of dedication and hard work.

I talked about minimalism here and there in my old blog (RIP Co Violet), but I’m zeroing in on the subject completely in this space. As I’ve journeyed through a process of simplifying over the past 3+ years (more about my story here), I’ve learned so much about the “how to” and more importantly, the “why to” of simple living. After researching, experimenting and practicing minimalism in my own life, I feel compelled to share what I’ve learned with others.

I’ll keep my content pretty short and sweet (with very few photos) so I don’t find this outlet to be a burden. I simply want to share with you what I’m discovering as I go, learn from you, and encourage us all (including myself!) to spend less time on our screens so we can spend more time truly living. You can expect sporadic posts on here on the subjects of minimalism (split into the three pillars I mentioned), sustainability, thrifting, eco-friendliness, and a variety of related subcategories. All of those posts will be included in a monthly email newsletter of sorts, which means you will only get 12 emails from me per year!

Above all, I hope my words help just one person learn how to simplify (or lessen) their lives, whether that means clearing out their closet, reducing digital clutter, growing in gratitude and contentment, or minimizing stress and overwhelm. If I’ve helped just one person along the way, it will all be worth it.

Whether you consider yourself a maximalist or a minimalist (or somewhere in between), we all have valuable lessons to learn when it comes to simple living. Follow along as we learn to lessen in 2020 — and beyond.

View the Resources page, complete with some of my favorite books, podcasts, videos and blogs that talk about minimalism, sustainability, etc.

Subscribe to the blog to receive a monthly email with my most recent posts.

“The secret of happiness is not found in seeking more, but in developing the capacity to enjoy less.”


Holly RagsdaleComment