I believe in less. Less clutter and belongings, less stress and worry, and less chaos and noise. But I also believe in more. A more fulfilling life, more meaningful relationships, and more freedom to focus on the things that matter most.

a blog about less.
Lessen focuses on minimalism in three forms: in the physical sense (decluttering our belongings), mental sense (clearing the mind) + the spiritual sense (training our hearts to seek contentment). Minimalism is more than a trendy buzz word or the design style revolutionized in the 1950s; it is a way of viewing the world and the things in it.
Minimalism in the physical sense, reducing excess and clutter in our homes, closets, drawers and storage shed.
Minimalism in the mind, where we minimize noise, technology and distraction to make space for solitude, silence and Sabbath.
Minimalism in the heart, where we replace envy, comparison and greed with contentment, joy and ultimately, a meaningful life.

less is always more.
We don’t lessen for the sake of deprivation. No, the act of decluttering or minimizing is not even about less. It’s about creating space for more — more meaning, joy, beauty, clarity, contentment and fulfillment. We lessen to make space for what truly matters.
“The secret of happiness is not found in seeking more, but in developing the capacity to enjoy less.”